Wednesday, April 4, 2012


Coffee has been a popular drink in France since the 17th century when the
Ambassador from Sultan, Mehmed IV, brought coffee beans with him on a trip to Paris. The french drink their coffee much differently than we do in the states. They don’t typically add milk or sugar. If they do either it is in very small quantities. They enjoy it at all hours of the day here as well.

In France it’s not hard to get a cup o’ joe, because there are hundreds of cafes around any city. The amount of cafes further makes it evident the cultural importance of coffee. And that being able to sit and enjoy your coffee is also very important. The idea of “to-go” coffee isn’t really widespread in France, it’s an American idea.

The french press is a device used to brew coffee that is native to France. It involves pouring hot water and coffee grounds into the press, letting it steep, and then pushing the grounds down to the bottom with the plunger.  Many French people enjoy making their coffee this way. I have found that I LOVE coffee from made with a press. Another French favorite is espresso, which is basically a shot of caffeine. It is done by pouring hot water, under high pressure, through finely ground beans.

As an uneducated American I used to always drink my coffee with a TON of creamer and sugar. But when I arrived in France, I decided to try it the real way. Literally changed my life. I don’t think I’ll ever drink coffee the “American” way again.

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